
Deploy Pi-Hole on Kubernetes

Pi-Hole is a network-wide ad blocker. It works by blocking ad’s at the DNS level instead of the browser level. Once we’re set up with Pi-Hole’s deployment, you’d change your DNS server either at your local workstation or in your router. We’ll start off by creating our many manifest file’s that we’ll then apply. There is a helm chart for Pi-Hole located in https://github.com/MoJo2600/pihole-kubernetes/tree/master/charts/pihole, but to be honest, When I initially set up my deployment of Pi-Hole, I wasn’t a fan of the helm chart. »

Deploy Gitea On Kubernetes

Gitea is a completely self-hosted Git Service. This is what I use for all my source-control needs. I’ve also paired this up with DroneCI for automated software builds and tests. There is an Helm chart available for installing Gitea on Kubernetes, but I’m not a huge fan of Helm charts. We’ll deploy Gitea via yaml manifest files. This is a bit more complicated than deploying a simple app like Evobot but still very rewarding! »